Master of Science – Thesis Option


 The thesis option M.S. in Plant Breeding requires 32 semester credit hours of coursework and a thesis on original research.  Student research can be completed at the student’s location.  An on-site Ph.D. scientist, educator, or supervisor who qualifies as an adjunct member of the Texas A&M graduate faculty must be available to serve as co-chair of the student’s graduate advisory committee and be able to direct thesis research locally.  Students will have an on-campus co-chair to oversee the academic aspect of their degree.  Communication with committee members, examinations, and thesis defense will be conducted via the Internet.


1.   32 graduate credit hours beyond the B.S. degree; general requirements are:

a.  23 course hours approved by the student’s advisory committee and the Office of Graduate Studies.

b. Statistics 651 or equivalent.

c. An exit seminar discussing research findings (SCCS 681).

d. No more than 8 hours of SCSC 691 (Research) or SCSC 685 (Directed Studies) and no more than 12 hours of the two courses combined.

e. No more than 9 hours of upper-level (400) undergraduate courses and no graduate credit for the following courses required for a B.S. degree:  SCSC 101, SCSC 105, SCSC 301

f. See Graduate Catalog for additional requirements,

2.   A thesis written on original research as directed by the student’s advisory committee.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees vary based on Texas residency and course. An estimate of current costs can be found at These rates are set by the University and are subject to yearly increases.

Time for Completion

Time for completion will vary depending on number of courses taken per semester and the student’s original research project.  Typical completion time will be 3-5 years.

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