Advanced Plant Breeding

*Sample Lesson – (mp4)*

Expectations of genetic improvement for different plant breeding methods; relative efficiency for crops of different reproductive mechanisms; genetic variances, covariances and genotype-environment interaction components of variance used in planning selection procedures.

Advanced Plant Breeding can by taken as an entire course (all three units) or each unit can be taken individually.  For participants in our Professional Certificate in Plant Breeding and Genetics, completion of all three units is required.

Full Course (all 3 Units) Cost – $679.65

Unit 1 – Advanced Genetic Principles in Plant Breeding 
Topics covered include:  Hardy Weinberg, means and variances, covariances and heritability, mating designs, genetic diversity.
Cost – $226.55  

Unit 2 – Selection:  Theory and Practice in Advanced Plant Breeding
Topics covered include:  recurrent selection, inbred line selection and testcrossing, selection environments, indirect selection, multiple trait selection, QTL MAS, heterosis and hybrid prediction.
Cost – $226.55

Unit 3 – Statistical Tools in Advanced Plant Breeding
Topics covered include:  statistical concepts review, expected mean squares and combined analysis, GxE interactions and stability analysis, polyploidy. 
Cost – $226.55

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